Full width, overlay skin
Qwerty VR
Lorem ipsum amet – nullam arcu tempus.
Draw & play
Purus creative – dolor amet sem nibh mattis in varius egestas.
Seven cycling
Pellen papibus, purus et sem mattis egestas dolor nulla amet.
Liquors campaign
Quisque malesuada – in sem at lorem numa glavrida amet maximus.
Stretching studio
Lore magna – purus et nulla creative volutpat donec vel varius ipsum amet.
Book cover design
Nullam porta nulla non arcu tempus dolor.
Classic skin
Reflections, Part 2: Life Interrupted in 2020
My older daughter, Nia, started a cake baking business in high school. She was always ready and willing to invest in her own business be it buying the ingredients or purchasing business cards and cake boxes. On a regular basis, though, she would often ask her dad to purchase an ingredient she forgot she needed. …
Reflections, Part 2: Life Interrupted in 2020
My older daughter, Nia, started a cake baking business in high school. She was always ready and willing to invest in her own business be it buying the ingredients or purchasing business cards and cake boxes. On a regular basis, though, she would often ask her dad to purchase an ingredient she forgot she needed. …
Reflections: The Gifts of 2020
For many of us, we can’t wait to bid farewell to 2020 fast enough. From the impact of sickness and death from the pandemic to the trauma of witnessing the senseless murder of unarmed, innocent African Americans by police with no accountability, we have all been impacted by the events of 2020. Some of us…
It Is Doctor, Thank You.
As an academician, I do know many women with doctoral degrees. For the last week on social media, I have read about the experiences of sexism of friends and professional acquaintances after the Wall Street Journal published an ill-thought opinion piece suggesting the next First Lady of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, should consider…
Roots & Wings: Preparing Our Children to Soar
Vivamus nec purus nec leo blandit pellentesque vitae nec magna. Suspendisse turpis urna, consectetur in sagittis et, vehicula quis risus. Vestibulum eu sollicitudin nunc. Etiam mattis tortor velit, sit amet.
Roots & Wings: Preparing Our Children to Soar
Today is my older daughter’s birthday. It is also her senior year of high school. Watching my Facebook friends post move-in day pictures of their new college freshmen have evoked feelings I have not had when I have seen those pictures in the past. I suppose in the past, it seemed like a far away…